Miryam Samad

Miryam Samad

Space Farming: The Unspoken Benefits Space Farming: The Unspoken Benefits

A lot of people get skeptical when hearing the term "space farming", and they're right. Ever since the Agricultural Revolution 30,000 years ago, humans have only ever farmed on the soil of our home planet Earth. However, with our advancing technology, we can grow crops

May 12, 2024 3 mins

The Osiris-Rex Mission explained: what did we learn from it? The Osiris-Rex Mission explained: what did we learn from it?

Launched on September 8, 2016, on ULA's Atlas V rocket, the Osiris-Rex mission dropped a capsule containing samples of a near-by asteroid nearly a month ago, on September 24th, 2023. Here’s everything you need to know. Osiris-Rex landed on Bennu, an asteroid that is half a kilometer

Oct 11, 2023 2 mins

Habitable Exoplanets: what are they? Habitable Exoplanets: what are they?

Exoplanets are planets that are beyond our planetary system. We have discovered over 5,000 of them already over the course of many years of space exploration and observations, and we estimate billions of them to exist in our galaxy alone. However, not all of them hold the term “habitable”

Oct 2, 2023 3 mins